this is a WooCommerce test site
by Bitcatcha



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This test site is hosted with Hostinger

This site is created for the sole purpose of tracking the performance of Hostinger (with WooCommerce) web hosting services in North America. This website is hosted on their datacenter in America.

Results: Hostinger Uptime

We used a free monitoring tool called UptimeRobot to track the uptime of this website. Hostinger guarantees 99.9% uptime, so we shouldn’t be expecting anything less. Obviously we want to see 100% uptime, but with so many variables (glitchy tracker, network going down, etc) it may not be possible to get those results, so we’ll settle for at least 99.9%.


Results: Hostinger Server Speed Test

We measure the server’s speed by server response time. This allows us to evaluate the efficacy and quality of the network, as well as the hardware of their datacenter. With our proprietary server response time tool, we pinged Hostinger US datacenter from 10 locations around the world, which emulates 10 people from around the globe accessing this website at the same time. The test results show us how fast Hostinger’s US server responded to each location, benchmarked against Google’s recommended response time of sub 200 ms. See the full results below:

  • Rating: A+
  • Worldwide average speed: 138.4 ms
  • Average speed in the US: 50 ms
  • See the full report

For more information, read our Hostinger review over at Bitcatcha.